The Ultimate Vacuum Robot: Four-Legged and Ready for the Toughest Terrains


2 min read

In 2002, iRobot introduced the Roomba, pioneering a new category of home cleaning products and making a significant impact on the industry. Since then, robotic vacuum cleaners have revolutionized household cleaning, with some advanced models even combining handheld vacuums with the latest robotic technology in a single unit. However, until now, we had never seen a vacuum robot designed like a dog.

Technology continues to surprise us, and the latest gadget to catch our attention is VERO, a dog-shaped robotic vacuum that uses its legs to locate and vacuum up trash. According to USA Today, VERO was designed and built by a team of researchers from the Dynamic Legged Systems Laboratory at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. Remarkably, it can function even on the most challenging terrains.

Meet VERO: The Dog-Shaped Vacuum Robot Cleaning Cigarette Butts from Beaches
While having a large, quadrupedal robot in your home might seem impractical, VERO proves to be incredibly useful in public spaces. Its creators explain that it excels at finding and picking up cigarette butts on beaches, contributing to environmental clean-up efforts. Cigarette butts, as they decompose, release toxic substances and microplastics into the ocean, making them the second most common form of litter worldwide, with severe environmental consequences.

VERO is already at work on beaches and in other public areas across Italy, identifying and collecting even the smallest and hardest-to-spot pieces of trash. The robot's operation starts with a human operator setting a designated cleaning area, after which VERO autonomously takes over. It uses a specialized neural network and integrated cameras to detect trash. For the final stage of collection, it relies on the Intel RealSense depth camera mounted on its "chin."

After successfully collecting 90% of cigarette butts during its initial beach trials, researchers believe VERO has the potential for a variety of other applications. These include tasks like crop spraying, assisting with construction projects, and inspecting infrastructure for weaknesses. The robot has been tested in six different outdoor scenarios and has shown it can navigate tough terrains and stabilize itself while picking up litter without any issues.